Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Stringent laws on illegal Immigration are needed now more than ever

The new Immigration law signed into law by Arizona Gov Jan Brewer is a reflection of the inaction by Washington in securing our borders. This new controversial law is simple in it's mandate and it's aim is to identify, prosecute and deport illegal immigrants. Of course the usual lies and fear mongering has already been unleashed by those on the left and will only get more shrill as the debate goes on. Those of us that live in border states know that something more needs to be done and we are tired of the lip service that comes out of Washington. Texas has requested drones from the Obama Administration to help with interdiction on our Southern border and have denied on every occasion.

The left in this country that are making the most noise are calling this new law "racist" and say this will invite wholesale racial profiling. This law will require law enforcement to have a "reasonable suspicion" of a person being an illegal alien before they can take action. Lets look at what happens in all border states at present. The U.S. Border Patrol has 34 permanent vehicle checkpoints on major highways from California to Texas. These stations are not on the border but rather farther inland and everyone (Anglo-Hispanic-Black-Asian) are required to stop and answer questions about status, travel itinerary and anything else the border patrolman thinks is necessary. I have had my car searched (with my permission) while leaving El Paso at the check point center and I have no problem with this procedure. This new law gives local and state law enforcement powers that the Border Patrol already enjoys and nothing more.

Mexico's reaction to Arizona's immigration law was immediate and issued a statement that read in part, "The Mexican Government recognizes the sovereign right of States to decide which public policies will apply in their territory. However, when a law like SB1070 has a potential impact upon the human rights of thousand of Mexican nationals, it cannot remain indifferent." I find it hypocritical of Mexico to accuse Arizona of violating the "human rights" of their citizens. If you have ever been to Mexico, you know that local and state Mexican police can and do ask for ID and or passports of Americans anytime they see fit. Mexico deported 203,128 illegal immigrants in 2004 and I'm sure their illegals are not treated as well as we treat ours. For Mexico to preach human rights to us is funny at best.

There are at least 13 million illegals residing in the United States with many sucking our social services dry of funds. Illegals are bankrupting our hospital systems in our border states, mooching our welfare system and committing crimes. There is an old saying, "if you always do what you have always done, you will have what you have right now." Unless Washington does more to secure our borders the problem will persist and states will be required to take matters into their own hands. President Barack Obama's 2009 budget blueprint canceled plans to extend the border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border beyond the 670 miles already completed or planned. This year Janet Napolitano cut millions of dollars intended for the “virtual fence” along the Mexican border and denied the request of assets for Texas. How do we expect the illegal problem to fixed when we have an Administration that is asleep at the wheel.

The race hustlers on the left will use this new law to create anger within their base to help stem the tide of the defeat that awaits them in November. If you watch the video of the protests in Arizona, you will see how the left turns to violence when they disagree with a policy. I have yet to see any Tea Party protests turn violent, unless you count the violence perpetrated by union thugs on Tea Partiers. I hope Texas and the other border states will enact new laws similar to that of Arizona. It is the job of the Federal Government to secure our borders and if they fail to do so, the states will forced to do it themselves.

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