Thursday, April 7, 2011

Texans need to call their Senators-Concealed Carry on Campus in jeopardy

Taxpayer paid university bureaucrats have leaned heavily on Texas Senators once again to block the rights of Texans to effectively defend themselves just because they are on a public university campus. This is much more about faculty and staff than students as one must be 21 year of age to have a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) in Texas.

You're phone calls, non-stop, constantly through Monday, as well as emails, are needed to members of the Senate. Tell them simply that you "want Campus CHL passed with no weakening amendments." Be polite but insist how important to you this issue is. Calls will be fast and taken by a staffer.

Here are some specific senators who need to be contacted (be polite as I do not know the current position on the bill of these senators, they could be for the bill):

Senator Duncan: 800-322-9538, 512-463-0128 and 806-763-1122 (contact emails here:

  • Senator Fraser 512-463-0124 and 254-939-3562
  • Senator Estes 512-463-0130 and 940-689-0191
  • Senator Seliger 512-463-0131 and 806-374-8994
  • Senator Ogden (has declared as a no vote): 512-463-0105 and 512-828-5224
  • Senator Lucio (is blocking the bill): 512-463-0127 and 956-548-0227

We need to call as often, and as politely, as is possible until Monday mid-day. Thanks go out to PrattOnTexas for this bulletin.

Latest info on this bill-HERE and HERE

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