With the impending confirmation battle of Supreme Court nominee Ruth Bader Sotomayor, the usual racist accusations will be flying from the MSM and the liberal cesspit towards Conservatives. Liberals and their lapdogs in the media have successfully labeled the Republican Party as racists for the past thirty years and continue to reap the rewards at election time. Former democratic political consultant Barbara Howard recently pointed out that the Democratic Party has revised history to show that Democrats, and not the Republicans, have been in the forefront of civil rights for black Americans. Anyone that is a student of history knows that the Democratic Party is the same party that created the segregationist Jim Crow Laws and was involved in the beatings and killing of civil rights workers in the 1950’s and 60’s.
Mrs. Howard asks why the civil rights old guard is silent today when even the most astute black American thinks it was the FBI under a Republican administration rather than J. Edgar Hoover under Democratic AG Robert F. Kennedy that wiretapped Dr. King. Few Americans remember that is was global-warming Al Gore’s father that opposed the civil rights act of 1964. Al Gore Sr., along with LBJ, was one of only three Democratic senators from 11 former confederate states that did not sign the Southern Manifesto opposing integration. The Democratic Party was never a friend of civil rights when it counted and no one seems to remember. That is the way the liberals and the media want you to remember ‘their’ history.
The media never points out the fact that black Americans are primarily Christian and “conservative,” even though they vote for the Democratic candidate 90% of the time. The same can be said with the Hispanics and their conservative and Christian values. Seventy (70%) percent of black Americans voted against gay marriage in California which didn’t get much media attention at the time. Black Americans are in favor of school vouchers which liberals oppose and once again are never reported by the MSM. Why do black Americans vote for a party that holds them back? The answer can be found in the revisionist history of the MSM and Democratic Party, but fault can also be attributed to the GOP.
How does the Republican Party pull black American voters to our movement? Good question and one we have been trying to figure out for some time now. We must unapologetically preach our values to the black community and try to dismiss the liberal propaganda that is fed to them. This is the challenge for our cause and we have an uphill battle. We have forty years of brainwashing to erase and that can be very difficult. If we can pull 20% of black Americans to our side, we and they can win every time. My question is how we change the status quo when the black community seems to be emotional slaves to the Democratic Party.
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