Secretary of State John Kerry made an idiotic statement while addressing 'climate change' at Boston College recently. I realize it's not breaking news when Mr. Kerry says something stupid, (because it happens all too often), but his latest moronic comment takes the cake.
The windsurfing Secretary of State apparently strayed off script when he said, "If we make the necessary efforts to address this challenge – and supposing I’m wrong or scientists are wrong, 97 percent of them all wrong – supposing they are, what’s the worst that can happen"?
What's the worse that can happen? Are you freaking serious Mr. Kerry? The United States has wasted at least $72 billion (I surmise it's much higher) since 2008 in an effort to prevent man-made global warming. Of course that's not counting the destructive and costly (think billion$) regulations that have been imposed on the private sector by this government.
According to one study, the world as a whole spends about $1 billion a day ($359 billion in 2012) on renewable energy and global warming mitigation measures. Do you realize how many starving Earth inhabitants can be fed with one third of a trillion dollars every year?
'Green' regulations have killed jobs, harmed the economy, and have increased the price of energy for all of us. Energy prices are projected to go much higher in the years to come because of Obama's war on coal. The Obama EPA is forcing the closure of coal fired plants all across the country and those shutdowns will be responsible for a 150% price hike for natural gas, accompanied by an additional 7% rise in electricity rates.
According to one study, the world as a whole spends about $1 billion a day ($359 billion in 2012) on renewable energy and global warming mitigation measures. Do you realize how many poor starving people can be fed with one third of a trillion dollars every year?
There are those that argue that 'green' jobs are being created to replace those that are lost. But at what cost? During the 2012 presidential campaign, President Obama promised that he would spend $150 billion in taxpayers money over the next decade to create 5 million new green jobs. Those 5 million jobs will cost the taxpayers $30,000 for each job created.
Those are modest calculations compared to some leftist organizations estimates. The Center for American Progress estimated that federal outlays of $100 billion over a two year period would create two million green jobs, costing the taxpayers approximately $50,000 per job. Another leftist organization (the Apollo Alliance) estimates it would take half a trillion dollars to create five million green jobs, costing taxpayers $100K per job.
What's the worse that can happen Mr. Kerry is that the United States will waste trillions of taxpayers dollars over the course of a few decades to combat something that doesn't exist.
According to RSS satellite data, the global warming trend in the last 17 years, 9 months (since August 1996) is zero. ZERO! The 212 months without global warming represents more than half of the 423 month satellite data record, which began in January 1979.
We have idiots running our country and they will waste billions/trillions of taxpayers dollars and destroy the economy in order to advance a HOAX. But hey, what's the worst that can happen?